Monday, September 26, 2011

Good Morning

I have been asked by a bunch of people about where I get the pictures I post on here. Well folks, I take them. That's why I only post on the weekends. I don't have time during the week to cook, take pictures and edit. So I just cook. Speaking of pictures, do you all think I should take pictures with every dish? I have a lot of recipes I could post and take pictures then next time I make it.

Does anyone have any requests? I was thinking of making in the upcoming weeks chicken piccata, chicken parm soup, purple monkey dishwasher soup, some sort of cookie(creamsicle, maple snickerdoodle, dark chocolate cranberry, s'mores... I don't know I'll figure it out later)  a few sandwiches and wraps etc. I would gladly take suggestions though.


  1. I like looking at your pics, they look so pretty and make me hungry. I'm off to go eat a raspberry turkey wrap!
